Stampede Appoints Eric M. Jameson to New Product Manager for Drones
/Reinforcing its commitment to make unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, a safe and profitable part of the entire ProAV industry, Stampede, North America’s largest distributor of high value added ProAV solutions, today announced the appointment of Eric M. Jameson to the newly created position of New Product Manager for the Drone and Professional Services categories. Jameson joins Stampede with years of military and commercial drone VAR CTO experience.
“We are honored to have Eric join the sales team,” Stampede President & COO Kevin Kelly said today. “With over twenty-five years of analytical, instructional and operational integration experience with unmanned aerial vehicles, Eric brings to us a knowledge of the field that is going to help our dealers make drones a mainstay of the commercial businesses.”
After earning a B.A. in Political Science – International Relations from the University of Texas at Arlington, Jameson started his career as a Target Intelligence Specialist with a reserve F-16 unit, with responsibility for deploying contingencies supporting OPERATION DESERT STORM, OPERATION DENY FLIGHT, OPERATION DECISIVE EDGE, and OPERATION NORTHERN WATCH.
Jameson was later selected for commissioning in the United States Air Force to serve as a Squadron Intelligence Officer before heading operations in the Air Operations Center(AOC) – Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Division focused on ISR Operations and Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (PED). During his career in the Air Force, Jameson successfully led and managed a large division of over thirty people, multi-million dollar budgets, and numerous high value/critical action programs.
After retirement, Jameson utilized his subject matter expertise in ISR and UAV’s on several contracts to include building the entire fundamentals courseware for the new Saudi Arabian Alternate Command Operations Center (ACOC) and the Joint Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Defeat Organization (JIEDDO). As a Senior Intelligence Analyst with JIEDDO at the Combined Operations-Intelligence Integration Center (COIC), he deployed to Afghanistan for six months in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM where his subject matter expertise in ISR/Sensor-Fusion and analytical efforts were directly responsible for removing over 3,000lbs of homemade explosives (HME) from the battlefield.
Most recently, Jameson has held positions as the Chief Technology Officer at Digital Defense Surveillance; a Principal consultant at ELC Enterprises; a Principal Intelligence Analyst at Leonie Industries; and a JSR and AOC Subject Matter Expert at SAIC.
In addition to his new position at Stampede, Jameson also serves as a faculty member at Unmanned Vehicle University. Jameson also volunteers as the Air Force Association’s Arizona State Vice-President for Aerospace Education.
“Eric is a dedicated professional who has a comprehensive knowledge of unmanned aerial vehicles and their applications,” Kelly added. “He is going to play a very important role in developing and deploying Stampede’s long-term product and support programs in this dynamic and rapidly growing product category.”